Pass the COMLEX Level 1 ! Feel confident on test day after using our extensive library of questions, radar review and accurate exam simulation. Test day will be a breeze! Pass the exam and match to the speciality of your choice!

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    Our COMLEX Level 2-CE question bank helps you build on your success in COMLEX Level 1 and prepares you to succeed in your clinical rotations and be at the top of your class by acing COMLEX Level 2. Pass your exam with ease!

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    Full of fresh new questions our COMLEX Level 3 question bank has been designed specifically to model the COMLEX experience accurately. You will be ready for test day and pass the last step of the COMLEX with ease! Let's get started!

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    Our store has all the tools you need to feel prepared for all levels of the COMLEX. From study guides for the computer examination to preparation tips for the Level 2-PE. We will guide you to PASS every exam comfortably!

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We're so confident COMTEST will help you annihilate the COMLEX that we are backing it up with a 100% PASS guarantee. If you do not achieve a passing score on the COMLEX, we will grant you a FREE subscription MATCHING the original period of time you purchased. We have your back! You have no risk! WE'LL GIVE YOU A PASSING SCORE!

The USMLE and the COMLEX have a markedly different presentation. Using one question bank to study for both will leave you unprepared for the other. With COMTEST you will get a question bank that focuses on giving you an accurate representation of the COMLEX, including all important Osteopathic Principals. We know what topics are likely to show up on test-day and have structured our questions to focus on what’s high-yield.

Our special Radar Review tool lets you focus your studying time on the topics that you are having trouble with. Allowing you to cut the fluff and study only what's high-yield for YOU! Couple this with our graphical analysis, and you will be tracking down and zoning in on your weaknesses to obliterate the COMLEX! Our bank is the only bank that includes radar review, giving you speedy access to the information you need, allowing you to stay focused and in the zone. Our goal is to make your studying more efficient!

Our questions are reviewed by Osteopathic Physicians and faculty to help ensure a high quality COMLEX preparation experience.